In this article, we have given detailed information about Rhinoplasty Cost United Kingdom.

What is rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is an operation mainly aimed to change the shape or size of the nose. If done for cosmetic reasons, therefore usually not available in the NHS, but it can be provided in the NHS if it helps in terms of structural reasons. Let us take a look if you want to have this process in the UK not in Turkey, how much money you need to allocate. First of all, if you want to have your rhinoplasty in the UK, you need to contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Because all independent clinics and hospitals that provide cosmetic surgery in the UK must be registered with the CQC. But be careful when searching for doctors and clinics that perform Rhinoplasty while searching the internet. Some clinics can only pay to advertise their services on search lists and issue problems that you do not want. You should then check whether the surgeon who will perform the procedure is registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). The physician who will perform your rhinoplasty should be listed in the expert registry and have an application license. You also need to control the British Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons to see if your surgeon is a ‘’Full Member’’ of the association. Also, giving prices without examination and control, as in all surgical procedures, may not reflect the fact. But in the Rhinoplasty cost in the UK ranges from £ 4,000 to £7,000. You should also take into account the cost of consultations and the post-operative care you may need.
What are the benefits of rhinoplasty?
After researching rhinoplasty costs in the UK, you may need to be familiar with the changes that can be made with this process.
1- The shape of the nose tip can be changed, a low nose tip can be raised, a very high and pointed nose tip can be expanded.
2- The shape of the upper cartilage can be changed
3- Wide nostrils can be narrowed with some skin texture to be taken under the nose wings and can be harmonized with your face.
4-A long nasal structure can be shortened by reorganizing the cartilage and bone structures that cause it or extended by supporting a short nasal cartilage graft.
5- Not all rhinoplasties are made for cosmetic reasons. By combining rhinoplasty and septoplasty and lower concha radiofrequency processes in the same surgery, bone curvatures in the nose, which cause nasal congestion and cause difficulty of breathing, can be corrected with rhinoplasty
After the Surgery;
1- After surgery, a nasal splint is usually applied inside the nose, with an airway inside and allowing you to breathe, both reducing the risk of bleeding and accelerating recovery as the reconstructed bone inside the nose supports the structure. Depending on your doctor's decision, the splints are removed between 2-7 days.
2- Aluminum, plaster, or thermal splints are applied over the nose to support the and about a week after, it is removed.
3- After plaster, the nose is supported by tapes for about 7-10 days.
4- Stitches that can be seen in rhinoplasties made with the open technique are removed a week after
5- Ice pressing application can be made after the first 48 hours following the surgery. The recommended frequency of this application is 20 minutes per hour. In this way, swelling and bruising can be minimized.
6- Avoiding physical activity affects recovery. You are recommended to limit your physical activity for about 3 weeks. Also, protecting the surgical area from direct sunlight and applying sunblock is a must.
7-You are recommended not to wear any glasses for 2 months to prevent the newly constructed nose shape. Moreover, using higher pillows and keeping the room chilly will fasten the recovery process.
Also, if you are looking for cheaper rhinoplasty options with the same quatily of UK, you can check our rhinoplasty surgery and rhinoplasty cost pages!